Net Control Script

Net Control Script

For those looking for or needing the Script for a Net Controller, Here it is. 

PDF for Download and printing, Click Here >  NET CONTROLLER SCRIPT 2024 



1-3 minutes prior to the start of the net you make this announcement “This is (your call sign)

The Appalachia Amateur Radio Club Net begins in … minutes, all stations please stand by”

[at 1900, 7 pm begin the net]

(If this is the first net of the month remind all to use Emergency power if available)

(Remember to identify once every 10 minutes, and at the conclusion of the Net)

Attention all radio amateurs and listening stations,

This is (your callsign), net control station for the Appalachia Amateur Radio Club Net. My

name is (your name), and I am located in (your town or township) North Carolina. This is a

directed net, and all communications will go through Net Control.

The purpose of this net is to provide communication operations, to provide training, to provide

club information related to upcoming events, to serve as a forum for discussion, and to foster

fellowship among radio amateurs. All radio amateurs are invited to participate in this net.

You do not have to be a club member to participate.

When calling this station please refer to it as “Net Control.”

(Brief pause)

The net is not being operated as an Emergency Net at this time, however; if at any time there is

an Emergency, notify Net Control by calling “Emergency or Mayday” and this frequency will

be released to you, and we will provide any assistance needed.

Do we have any Emergency or priority traffic for the net?

[handle this traffic now]

[call for check ins]

All stations are asked to check into the net according to the first letter of the suffix of your call

sign. Please give your call sign, your name, location, your A.R.R.L appointment (if any), list

any traffic or announcements for the net and indicate if you will be staying in for the informal

rag chew following the formal portion of the net.

At this time, Net Control is calling only stations with any call sign using echo link. Echolink

stations please call (your callsign), Net Control.

(Stand by for any check ins, if no station calls within 30 seconds, proceed)

Stations A-G Alpha through Golf call Net Control.

Stations H-N Hotel through November call Net Control.

This is (your callsign) Net Control for the Appalachia Amateur Radio Club Net

Stations O-T Oscar through Tango call Net Control.

Stations U-Z Uniform through Zulu call Net Control.

Do we have any additional check-ins for the Net? Please call (your callsign), Net Control.

(Call stations with announcements and net business one at a time, in order, here)

(After all check-ins and announcements are complete close the formal Net.)

This is (your call sign) closing the formal portion of the Appalachia Amateur Radio Club Net.

Those stations that would like to be excused from the Net may secure your stations at this time.

This Net meets Thursday nights on the K4LI repeater (147.045 Mhz) with a minus offset and a

PL squelch tone of 151.4 at 7:00 pm and other times as


(Call stations in the order they checked in for their comments… rag chew)

Do we have any late check ins or rechecks, please call Net Control (your callsign)

(Take late check-ins and re-checks here, continue until there are none left)

(Now close the net)

This is (your callsign) closing the Appalachia Amateur Radio Club Net. I would like to thank

all stations for checking into the Net, and we look forward to your regular participation each

Thursday night as you are able. This is (your callsign) returning the repeater to normal amateur


Net Control Operators please send an email to with the number of check

ins and the total time the Net operated.

Thank you for your support and service to the Appalachia Amateur Radio Club.

Dick Leineke

Net Manager: Appalachia Amateur Radio Club.